A Cool Movie with Crazy Idea from Robert Zemeckis
Stars : Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover
Score : 8.0 / 10
Stars : Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover
Score : 8.0 / 10
to be continued... Back to the Future II
Year 1985, a teenager, Marty Mc Fly (Michael J. Fox) likes all the things related to sci-fi. He has a close friend, Dr. Emmet Brown or Doc (Christopher Lloyd), an eccentric professor who is often considered crazy professor, because of his super crazy invention. On one night, Doc wait Marty in the field of The Twin Pines Mall. Doc would launch his spectacular invention to Marty, a time machine car. The car would carry the passengers into the past and the future. There are three panels time in the car, destination time, present time and last departed time. Each panel has a date (day, month and year) and time (hours and minutes).