27 November 2013

Back to the Future (1985)

A Cool Movie with Crazy Idea from Robert Zemeckis
<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Cover">
Stars   :  Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover
Score  :  8.0 / 10
to be continued... Back to the Future II
Back to the Future (1985) on IMDb 
Year 1985, a teenager, Marty Mc Fly (Michael J. Fox) likes all the things related to sci-fi. He has a close friend, Dr. Emmet Brown or Doc (Christopher Lloyd), an eccentric professor who is often considered crazy professor, because of his super crazy invention. On one night, Doc wait Marty in the field of The Twin Pines Mall. Doc would launch his spectacular invention to Marty, a time machine car. The car would carry the passengers into the past and the future. There are three panels time in the car, destination time, present time and last departed time. Each panel has a date (day, month and year) and time (hours and minutes).

The car uses plutonium fuel, a raw material for nuclear. At that time, the plutonium became hot news, because of the loss of two boxes of plutonium by the Libyan group. Doc got plutonium by tricking the Libyan.

<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Doc and Marty">
Doc and Marty
<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Time panels">
Three panels time in time machine car  

In first experiment, Doc sent his dog (Einstein) in time machine car into a minute faster than present. Doc controlled the car with a remote control. When the car reached the minimum speed of 88.8 km / h, the car and the passengers (Einstein) went to the future that already been set on destination panel. A few minutes later, the car and Einstein successfully back from the future. Doc was very happy for his achievements. He took Marty saw the car closer and explained how it works by pressed the panel destination to year 1955.

<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Time machine car">
Time machine car
On this time, Doc would go to the future. Doc set up some tools to carry with him, while Marty continued to record all events on that day with a video camera. But, a group of Libyan suddenly came, shot to Doc and Marty. Doc got a shot, while Marty escaped with time machine car. Marty drove the car at high speed to avoid a Libyan. Unrealized, Marty drove up to 88.8 km / h, the car and Marty then went to the past, year 1955.

<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Marty met his father, 1955">
Marty met his father, George, in 1955
Marty drove the car to go back to year 1985, but he did not carry plutonium fuel stocks. The car was finally ran out of fuel and stopped. Since that time, Marty got the adventure in 1955, a time when he was not been born. Marty tried to find Doc to help him back to 1985. Marty also met with his parents, George Mc Fly (Crispin Glover) and Lorraine Baines (Lea Thompson). At that time, George and Lorraine had not get to know each other. What would Marty have in 1955? Did Mary find Doc? Did Marty get back to 1985?.

As a director, the name of Robert Zemeckis is familiar for me, because I had already watched to Roberts' movie, Flight (http://www.reviewcinema.com/2013/01/flight.html) and Cast Away (http://www.reviewcinema.com/2013/03/cast-away-2000.html). But there is something special in Back to the Future, Robert is not only as a director but also a story writer. This is my second time watched this movie (the first one when I was in a high school) and the impression is still the same, crazy but cool. This movie has a crazy idea. It is not something new if a movie with sci-fi theme, added with comedy in it, but Marty experienced in 1955 was really crazy and original. Robert Zemeckis successfully build a story by combining sci-fi and comedy very well. For this reason, Back to the Future became a movie that I will always remember and included in one of my favorite movies.

This movie is very far from serious, but it still provide a good moral message. What will happen in the future is a mystery and let it remain a mystery because that is the best. You can imagine what would happen if we could know the future, we will definitely try to change it. But what we think is good, is not necessarily good. Doc, who is considered crazy, at least at the beginning still appreciate the future and refuse to know it.

Michael J. Fox, hhmmm.... it's been a long time did not see his act since the TV series of Family Ties which aired on a private television in Indonesia. In this movie, J.Fox looks very cute and funny, his act and appearance is not much different when he played in Family Ties. It can be understood, because he got a similar protagonist role in these movies, as a teenager. At least this movie can treat me for a sense of missed his smile.

Back to the Future did not just stop here, because there are two sequels and I'll review it soon.
<img src="Back to the Future.jpg" alt="Back to the Future Family Ties">
Family Ties (TV Series)
(Source : IMDB)

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